Friday, December 11, 2009


...they need to be stopped!  Who?  I'm talking about the Duggar's .  Yes, the couple that now has 19 kids!  Looks like Michelle Duggar just had her 19th child via an emergency c-section.  With over three months early maybe this is a sign that she needs to STOP!  I mean I understand the fact of having a family.  I guess my opinion is that each child needs to have the same amount of love, guidance, and support equal to their sibilings.  I do not see how that can happen when there are 19 kids running around.  How do you make time for each and every one of them?  Is it fair that the Duggar's have the kids to take care of one another?  What about home schooling them (which is fine), but not allowing them to interact with kids outside of their church?

If the family loves kids so much and claim they are such a gift from God then why not just adopt so many of the poor, homeless, unloved kids that are out there today just praying for a family to love them?  Unless they are stopped (um hello hysterectomy!!) then Michelle is going to be pregnant again before little Josie gets out of NICU!

1 comment:

  1. Ugh, don't get me started on know what irks me about the situation? Their kids never really get the chance to be KIDS, they have to help out with the younger ones, household, etc. I heard one of the parents say in an interview one time "each older child is assigned to a younger child to watch over"....ummm, be a parent and take care of your own kids!

    That's why my rule is 1 child per adult in the household, so I'll pop out 2 at the most :)
